Our fees


Privateers, individuals, families

Annual membership fee for a family 200.000 Gs 12 EURO
Against an annual additional contribution we convey through enforceable arbitration agreements between private individuals, between business people and between private individuals and businessmen in fraud and other offenses and civil law between Germans and making German contract and trust lawyers. 300.000 Gs annually


Companies pay 0.75% of the gross annual wage bill for all employees 0.75% of the gross annual wage bill
Against an annual additional contribution we convey through enforceable arbitration agreements between private individuals, between business people and between private individuals and businessmen in fraud and other offenses and civil law between Germans and making German contract and trust lawyers. 300.000 Gs annually

Small companies / entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs two years free of contributions.  
There are no fee for a company, if its income is less than 5.200,00 EURO per year.